Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Four Months Later...

Hi Blog. Sorry I haven't written lately. It's certainly not for lack of material or time. I've had plenty of both. It's just that I get in a *blog-writing-funk* sometimes. Don't know why.

So, today, four months to the day after my last post I find myself hibernating in my cozy home longing for spring and the opportunity to listen to the cricket's song once more. So much snow, cold and ice! I wonder what Punxswutawney Phil will predict tomorrow?

There was a time in my younger days when I would have relished this weather but as the years march on and take their toll on my physical well-being, I find that I'd rather experience a more temperate climate.

Enough whining, Jersey Granny! God is good; He's in his heaven and I am blessed beyond measure! And, if the cold and snow lingers, Spring will be that much sweeter when it arrives!

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