Sunday, March 21, 2010

When You Live At Sea Level And You Get Lots of Precipitation...

Here in the Northeast region of the United States, we have seen our fair share of snow this past winter.  In the particular area where I live, all-time records were not only broken but well surpassed.

Our oldest son and family live in Cape May, New Jersey, and that's pretty much living life on the edge of our State, as it were.  He told us recently that because of all this snow and rain, their basement and their back pasture had flooded but nothing prepared us for what we saw when we arrived at their home yesterday.  This photo, which doesn't do it justice, represents at least two acres of the back pasture for their horses.  It is now a lake - several feet deep in some places.  They expect that perhaps by July, the water may have finally subsided - if the rain holds off.  Oh, and said groundwater must be continually pumped from their basement, but at least it's not 'feet' deep, just 'inches'.  A small consolation.

1 comment:

A Repletion of Reverie said...

It'll be real easy to get that boat out now.