Thursday, February 10, 2011

Sleep, Elusive Sleep or Coming To Terms With A CPAP Machine

Lately, I've been having problems getting to and/or staying asleep. I chalked it up to my age but after two sleep studies, it's official - I have sleep apnea of the moderate variety. Evidently, this means I stop breathing an average of 44 times an hour while sleeping! Holy CPR, Batman! That's a lot of lost breaths in my estimation.

So, this week I began using a user-friendly CPAP machine. Boy, oh boy, did I chafe at using one of these contraptions! I was certain that I would never be able to get to sleep (or stay asleep) with a mask and tubing attached to my face. The first night went better than expected but the second night we had a huge disagreement and the mask was off my face and on the floor by morning. JerseyGranny=1. CPAP machine=0.

I must confess, however, that I feel more rested despite having a tube blowing air into my nose all far. Keywords: so far!

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