Wednesday, September 29, 2010

"If You Need Me, Call Me"

Yesterday afternoon, I received a text message from our son which read: "Maeve misses pop. She keeps asking for him." I went into action mode and immediately called Pop at work, something I rarely do. Here's a log of our phone conversation.

JerseyGranny: Hi Honey, just got a message from Steven. Maeve misses you and has been asking for you! Can you get to their house before bedtime?

Pop: Let's see...I leave work at 6:15...what time do they go to bed?

JG: 7:00

Pop: I can get there in time. No problem. See you later.

JG: Ok. Bye.

When Paul finally arrived home, he was in a more settled state of mind than normal. Usually, the stress of the workday and the horrendous traffic sets his mood. This time, a little grandgirl needed him, two actually - and a grandboy!

As we walked the dog that evening, he told me how grandgirls clamored on his lap vying for his attention. A grandboy climbed up his pantleg. Kisses. Hugs. Tension gone. Contentment. Peace.

Little does this darlin' grandgirl know what actions her tender words motivated all because of love.

1 comment:

Shelly said...

they love their pop sooo much and were so sweet and mostly peaceful =) so glad he came to visit!