Wednesday, July 14, 2010

"Does Anybody Really Know What Time It Is?"

My post title is a reference to the Chicago hit song released in October 1970. By the way, Chicago is one of my all time favorite bands!

Lately, I've been feeling as though the summer is flying by and, conversely, I feel as if it's just plodding along. Perhaps it's because I'm: a) happily anticipating our vacation which we will be taking in mid-September and, b) not wanting the summer to end because our grandgirl, Amelie, will be in Kindergarten in September. She is so very excited about going to school. This is a good thing for Mama's sake. Don't you think it would be worse if your child were sent off to school kicking and screaming because they didn't want to leave you?

Last week, Amelie spent the day with me - a treasured Grandgirl Day. We were sorting through old photos because she wanted some pictures of her Daddy when he was younger. I came across a photo of our youngest, Jonathan, standing at our front door ready to take on Kindergarten and the world.

Honestly, it seems like only yesterday when my baby was sent off to school (pics below). Now he's a young man making his way in the world. And, I am a granny to seven wonderful, precious little blessings who are growing up so quickly right before my eyes.

Jonathan, my 'baby', on the first day of kindergarten.

Jonathan and his best buddy, Kyle.

Some unsolicited advice to young moms: treasure every moment with your little ones!

1 comment:

A Repletion of Reverie said...

I am consistently horrified at how you made us dress.....just sayin'.