Friday, February 12, 2010

My Analytical Hero!

My Hero Husband, Paul, is an extremely analytical man. A chemist by profession, perhaps it's an occupational hazzard but I truly believe he's been wired this way from birth. He is capable of solving complex mathematical equations in his head. I am in awe of this ability. It's a gift and must be in the genes as all of our sons are proficient in mathematics.

I must say, though, it had been a challenge adapting to marriage to someone who looks at life this way. Particularly since I am the polar opposite! As a new bride, I used to become very frustrated at this propensity to constantly correct little details with: "well it's not actually 90 degrees, it's only 88 degrees" or "no, the total cost of this week's grocery bill was $104.67, not $100.00". As the years past, I decided that this is the way he is and I am ok with it, so I chose to ignore it. Now, we actually laugh about it!

I tell you all of this, dear readers, to give you a glimpse of my Wednesday morning - the day of the blizzard. By the end of the morning, there had been approximately four *occasions* of these *analytical corrections*. Following was the finale:

JerseyGranny: It's snowing now. (there had been sleet previously)

Hero: How do you know?

JerseyGranny: Ummm...I looked out the window.

Hero: Actually, it's not all snow. There's some sleet still mixed in with the snow.

JerseyGranny: I could really, really hurt you right now.

Hero: What? I'm just being honest.

1 comment:

Micayla said...

So that's where Ryan gets it from!
He does the same thing to me all the time and it drives me crazy.