Sunday, October 11, 2009

How are Substitute Teachers and Grandparents the Same?

Yesterday, Hero and I spent a fantastic day with the Fab Five - our darling grandkids who live in Cape May. I'll be posting more about it in the Granny Chronicles a bit later but had to share this particular experience here. It's just too hard to resist!

Later in the afternoon, Christy, our dear DIL, set off to take home the friend of one of our granddaughters. She took baby Kezia with her and we were left ALL ALONE with the four older ones. Having just spent a good amount of time playing outside we were relaxing together in front of the TV watching Animal Planet. Hadassah thought it a good idea to break out the Pepsi and snacks by offering Pop-Pop first. What a gracious little hostess!

Well, when Mom came back and saw Naomi finishing her last gulp of Pepsi, I knew right then that a serious mistake had been made! What were we do do? We didn't know! I mean the poor dears were thirsty and hungry!

Seems this Granny and Pop are always getting into some kind of trouble!

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